Riverside Loan Modification Attorneys

Client-Centric Legal Representation

If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed because you can no longer afford to pay your bills and debts, then a loan modification might be an option you can take advantage of to eliminate debt and regain control of your financial situation. Depending on your specific circumstances, you might be able to modify existing loans in addition to filing for bankruptcy, or even as an alternative to bankruptcy.

At The Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law, we proudly provide clients throughout the greater Riverside area with the reliable and effective legal counsel they need to determine if bankruptcy or loan modification is the right solution for their financial struggles. Our compassionate and friendly legal professionals are here to answer any questions you have regarding loan modification, so please don’t hesitate to contact our Riverside attorneys so we can assess your case.

Loan Modification Explained

When you modify a loan, it permanently changes the terms and conditions of the loan. You must abide by the altered terms and conditions for the life of the loan. Modifying your existing loans can reduce your monthly payments to a more affordable amount. You can also reduce interest rates, extend the term of the loan, change the loan type, or add past-due amounts to the new loan terms.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer for a Loan Modification?

When you choose The Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law to represent you, we will gladly take the necessary time to make sure you fully understand every aspect of the loan modification process and Obama’s Making Home Affordable Plan. We are here to investigate your financial situation and discuss which specific modifications can benefit you.

Our firm can help you gather tax returns, financial statements, and home valuation estimates that must be submitted to your lender or mortgage provider. Our goal is to make the loan modification process as easy and as stress-free as possible for you. We can also help you draft a compelling hardship letter to send to creditors and lenders.

Am I Eligible for a Loan Modification?

You must meet the following requirements to qualify for a loan modification:

  • You aren’t eligible for refinancing
  • You are experiencing long-term financial hardships
  • You have a high interest rate or an adjustable-rate mortgage
  • You owe more on your house than what it is worth

Speak to One of Our Loan Modification Lawyers in Riverside Today

If you would like to adjust your payments or modify an existing loan, then please set up a consultation with our legal team so we can walk you through the confusing laws and regulations. Our firm has a stellar reputation and attorneys possess the credentials and legal insight that you want in your corner to help you make informed decisions.

Give us a call today at (877) 969-7482 or contact us online to schedule your case consultation.


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