Is Bankruptcy Right for You?

Get Help from a Top Bankruptcy Lawyer in Oakland

When it comes to filing for bankruptcy, many people feel overwhelmed and worried about what their future may hold. Not many people are aware that they have options and that obtaining legal counsel can greatly benefit their overall financial situations. For people who are feeling overwhelmed with debt and struggling to regain control of their finances, working with an Oakland bankruptcy lawyer from Kostopoulos Law Group – The Bankruptcy Firm could help. Our firm is prepared to fully address your specific needs and ensure that you are comfortable and confident when filing for bankruptcy.

Filing for Bankruptcy

Many people wish that they could get a handle on their debt and stop the creditor calls, repossession attempts, wage garnishments, and bank levies — but many people do not know how to do so. The criteria to file for bankruptcy are actually rather simple; almost anyone in the United States can file. As long as you work with an attorney to prove that your debt is significantly higher than your income or disposable income, bankruptcy may be a good option for you. When you file, you will begin to reap immediate benefits and you can begin rebuilding your credit right away. Whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, Kostopoulos Law Group – The Bankruptcy Firm can provide you with trusted representation.

Bankruptcy can benefit you!

Consider the following ways in which bankruptcy can help people:

  • Stop harassing phone calls from creditors
  • Regain control of financial circumstances
  • Save property from repossession
  • Stop the foreclosure process
  • Stop garnishments
  • Reverse bank levies

Bankruptcy is a great financial tool to use in the right circumstances! Even with so many benefits to bankruptcy, many people still associate negative stereotypes with filing. Gone are the days when debtors’ names were printed in the newspaper. Today’s bankruptcy can be completely confidential and secure. Besides your creditors, your attorney and yourself, no one needs to know that you are filing for bankruptcy. In fact, there are multiple benefits to bankruptcy, including:

  • Saving your home from foreclosure
  • Eliminating non-secured debts
  • Putting an end to creditor harassment

Explore Your Options with a Skilled Oakland Bankruptcy Attorney

While there are many debt relief alternatives that allow you to avoid bankruptcy, sometimes bankruptcy is the best option. When people approach our firm, they often have questions about their particular situations and wonder if bankruptcy is actually the right choice for them. At Kostopoulos Law Group – The Bankruptcy Firm, we will work with you to fully discuss your options, your debt, and the complications you may be facing.

Through a detailed consultation with an attorney, we can help determine which chapter of bankruptcy may be right for you and provide you with trusted representation throughout the bankruptcy process. If you are looking for an attorney to file bankruptcy in Oakland, we encourage you to immediately retain our representation by contacting an experienced bankruptcy lawyer in Oakland from our team today at (877) 969-7482. Take the first step, and we can tell you how we can help you!

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