How Much Does it Cost to File Bankruptcy in California?

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As of August 2023, the cost to file bankruptcy in California is $338 for Chapter 7 and $313 for Chapter 13. These costs are set by federal law. Additional costs may include attorney fees and mandatory credit counseling courses.

Debt can creep up on you before you realize it, as you find yourself unable to pay bills and falling behind on your mortgage or rent. It becomes a frustrating struggle when you see that your payments are going toward interest and late fees instead of the balance due.


Doing the calculations, you may soon discover that your debt will take decades to pay off. It is wise to look into bankruptcy options if you are burdened with debt, but a big factor is how much it costs to file bankruptcy in CA. Every penny counts when you are trying to take control of your financial situation.

Fortunately, the cost to file bankruptcy is reasonable and worth considering, as well as the benefits. Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 allow you to discharge qualifying debt. The bankruptcy laws aim to pay back your debt to creditors, but the truth is that you might pay nothing or a percentage of what you owe.

If you are reviewing your options for getting control over your debt, it is critical to retain legal representation despite the cost. There are challenges when assessing whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is a better fit, and you will need guidance from a California bankruptcy attorney with the process. Some background can also help you understand how cost impacts your case.


After completing the mandatory education course, the individual felt more prepared to face their creditors and discuss their income at the upcoming meeting.


Fees and Costs to File Bankruptcy in California

The US Bankruptcy Code sets the filing fees for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 petitions, which are $338 and $313 respectively. Some debtors may qualify for a fee waiver, and you may be eligible to pay in installments as your case proceeds.

Paying by installments lets you get your case moving immediately, putting the automatic stay on creditor activities into effect. Plus, there are fees for the required credit counseling and debt management courses, which court rules mandate to be less than $50.

The credit counseling course is a mandatory requirement before filing for bankruptcy, aimed at informing filers about alternative debt-relief options. It must be completed within 180 days before filing, and a certificate of completion must be submitted to the court.

Considering the importance of retaining legal counsel, you should be aware of the basic legal fees. Every lawyer handles cases differently, and the details about billing will be fully explained to you before you sign on with representation. Generally, you will pay based upon:

  • Flat Fee Agreements: Your attorney quotes an amount for all work to be completed, considering your circumstances and possible contingencies. A flat fee may be appropriate when your case is expected to proceed without hassles.
  • Hourly Fees: You pay for work based upon an hourly rate, and your bankruptcy lawyer provides detailed time entries showing all tasks. Challenging cases are more likely to be hourly.

With both types of fee arrangements, you will also be responsible for paying expenses. Examples include the filing fee if your lawyer advances it, costs to obtain documents, and mailing expenses.


How Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Works

Chapter 7 cases basically involve three issues:

  1. Eligibility: Your earnings have to be rather low to qualify for Chapter 7, since this remedy is only intended for individuals who truly need it. You must make less than California’s median income level or qualify via the Means Test. Your earnings can be higher under the Means Test, which takes your income and subtracts your mortgage, utilities, and other essential monthly expenses.
  2. Discharge: Chapter 7 discharges qualifying debt, which usually includes unsecured debt. Secured debt, such as your mortgage and auto loans, are not affected. The creditor can always sell the collateral used as a security interest on the loan.
  3. Liquidation: The bankruptcy trustee can sell nonexempt assets to pay creditors. In practice, you will likely be allowed to keep your assets because the sale would be inconvenient or not profitable.

The bankruptcy court oversees the Chapter 7 process and ensures compliance with legal requirements.

With these three issues, there is a lot about the case that a lawyer can predict. Knowing what effort and investment will be required, a flat fee for costs may be ideal.


Steps for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Many people do not qualify under the strict income requirements for Chapter 7, while some debtors do not want to lose their possessions in bankruptcy. You might opt for Chapter 13, in which the eligibility criteria is that you must have a steady income to pay a percentage of your debt to creditors. The bankruptcy trustee cannot liquidate assets for Chapter 13.

Many individuals choose to work with a law firm to navigate the complexities of Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

However, when you realize the steps for a Chapter 13 case, you can see why many bankruptcy attorneys charge an hourly rate. Much of the focus is on developing an appropriate debt repayment plan that you can afford, and which is also acceptable to creditors. They do not have the power to approve your plan, but they can object or make suggestions. These cases proceed as follows:

  • File the Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition, schedules, and your proposed debt repayment plan;
  • The automatic stay goes into effect and the bankruptcy trustee is appointed;
  • You begin paying on the plan within 30 days;
  • The creditor’s meeting is held, where creditors will ask questions about your petition and details of the debt repayment plan;
  • You manage any objections, settle disputes with creditors, and modify your plan;
  • The court will approve your debt repayment plan at a confirmation hearing, and,
  • You continue paying under the plan’s terms for three to five years.

With so many variables and the possibility of significant time investment, lawyers protect their efforts by charging an hourly rate.


The bankruptcy court clerk handed out pamphlets on education and exemptions to attendees of the creditors meeting.


Bankruptcy Cases and the Automatic Stay

The automatic stay imposed in every bankruptcy case gives you immediate relief from debt, a benefit you will immediately sense when creditors stop calling. They are prohibited from engaging in all efforts to collect on a debt, including threatening lawsuits, filing a debt collection case, wage garnishments, and bank levies.

Your lender cannot continue with the foreclosure process, though the automatic stay is only a temporary pause. A bank can request that the court lift the automatic stay to pursue foreclosure.

As far as benefits after your bankruptcy case is complete, easing the stress, anxiety, and depression of overwhelming debt is priceless. Specifically:

  • You are no longer paying your monthly bills, yet watching them continue to increase because of late fees and interests.
  • You eliminate qualifying debt entirely. Without the burden of these bills, more of your income can go toward staying current with your mortgage and paying off those debts you could not discharge.
  • It is true that Chapter 7 remains a negative mark on your credit report for 10 years, and Chapter 13 will show up for 7 years. However, consider your current situation without bankruptcy and how long it would take you to pay up. It may be much more than 7 to 10 years, during which time your credit score nosedives.
  • You can begin rebuilding your credit right away, and you have the helpful lessons from credit counseling courses to put a plan into effect. Make a budget you can afford. Consider a secured credit card or other line of credit that gets reported to the credit bureaus, showing your track record of on-time, in-full payments.


What Happens to Debt After Bankruptcy in California?

As mentioned, various types of unsecured debt can be discharged through bankruptcy. You can wipe out debts related to:

  • Credit cards;
  • Medical bills
  • Lines of credit and personal loans;
  • Past due utility bills;
  • Amounts owed under a contract or lease; and,
  • Judgments from debt collection and other lawsuits, except for cases based upon fraud.

Some unsecured debts cannot be discharged through either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, mainly due to justice and fairness issues. You cannot eliminate amounts you owe for child support or alimony, or fees and fines due to violating the law. If someone was killed or injured in a car accident because of your drunk driving, you cannot discharge the judgment awarded by the jury.

There is some misinformation about student loans and tax debt, with many people believing it is impossible to eliminate these debts. It is possible, yet notoriously difficult to get a discharge for these debts. You must be able to show extreme hardship and other facts for student loan debt, and your history of filing and paying the IRS is important for tax debts.


Understanding the Bankruptcy Process and Costs in California

If you’re struggling with debt in California, filing for bankruptcy can offer a fresh start. However, it’s essential to understand the process and the associated costs before making this important decision.

In California, individuals can file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, each with its own eligibility requirements and procedures. The cost to file bankruptcy, set by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, is $338 for Chapter 7 and $313 for Chapter 13 as of August 2023. However, some debtors might qualify for a fee waiver based on their income.

The type of bankruptcy you choose depends on your financial situation. Chapter 7 is designed for individuals with limited income who want to discharge most of their unsecured debts, such as credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans. To qualify, you’ll need to pass a means test, which assesses your income and expenses to determine if you can afford to repay your debts. You’re more likely to qualify if your income falls below the state’s median income.


During the creditors meeting, the trustee questioned the debtor's claimed exemptions and their monthly income figures.


Chapter 13: Reorganization and Repayment

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a debt reorganization option for individuals with regular income who want to keep their assets. This process involves creating a repayment plan to pay off your debts over three to five years. The amount you repay will depend on your income, expenses, and the types of debts you owe. Unlike Chapter 7, Chapter 13 doesn’t necessarily discharge all of your debts. However, it can stop foreclosure, prevent repossession of assets, and reduce the amount you owe on certain secured debts, such as car loans or mortgages.


Costs Involved in Filing for Bankruptcy

As mentioned earlier, the filing fee for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is $338, while the filing fee for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is $313. However, these are just the initial costs. Additional expenses may include:

  • Attorney’s Fees: The cost of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the attorney’s experience. In California, the average cost for legal representation ranges from $1,200 to $1,850 for Chapter 7 and $5,000 or more for Chapter 13.
  • Credit Counseling and Debtor Education: These courses are mandatory and typically cost between $50 and $75.
  • Other Costs: You may also incur costs for obtaining copies of financial documents, such as bank statements and tax returns.

Remember, while the costs associated with filing for bankruptcy in California might seem significant, they are an investment in your financial future. By eliminating or restructuring your debts, you can achieve a fresh start and regain control of your financial life. It’s essential to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options and determine the best path forward.


Seeking Legal Guidance for a Successful Bankruptcy Filing

Navigating the legal procedures and paperwork involved in filing for bankruptcy can be overwhelming. It is highly recommended that you seek guidance from a bankruptcy lawyer.

An experienced attorney can help you determine the best option for your situation, maximize your California bankruptcy exemptions, and guide you through the entire process, including preparing and filing the necessary bankruptcy forms and representing you in court.

While filing for bankruptcy yourself is possible, it’s important to consider the potential risks and challenges. Bankruptcy laws and procedures can be complex, and even minor errors can jeopardize your case. A bankruptcy lawyer can ensure that your case is handled correctly, increasing the chances of a successful outcome.


The debtor education course emphasized the importance of understanding your income before filing for bankruptcy to avoid surprises during the creditors meeting.


Why Help from a Skilled California Bankruptcy Attorney is Critical

To realize why assistance is essential, it should be persuasive to know the roles of different players in a bankruptcy case. There is the bankruptcy judge, court officials, trustee, and creditors. None of these parties represent you. They do not have an obligation to help you, and they will let you know. In fact, creditors will be represented by legal counsel working against your interests.

When you retain legal help, you level the playing field. Your bankruptcy attorney will manage the process in court and handle all tasks necessary behind the scenes. The efforts of your lawyer ensure:

  • You have proper evidence to show eligibility for Chapter 7;
  • You can apply for appropriate exemptions and protect as many assets as possible from liquidation;
  • You have assistance preparing the debt repayment plan for Chapter 13, to ensure it is an amount you can afford and stick with for three to five years; and,
  • You will have an experienced advocate at your side for all court appearances.


Discuss Options with a California Bankruptcy Lawyer

Knowing how much it costs to file bankruptcy in California is important, but there are many other factors when you are considering Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. For more information about the benefits of these options, please contact Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law. We can set up a consultation about offices in Oakland or Riverside, CA. A bankruptcy attorney can explain additional details and the steps in the process after reviewing your circumstances.


Top FAQs for California Bankruptcy Lawyers

What is the income limit for filing Chapter 7 in California?

The income limit for filing Chapter 7 in California is determined by the means test, which compares your income to the median income in the state. If your income is below the median, you’re generally eligible to file for Chapter 7. However, even if your income is above the median, you may still qualify if your disposable income is low enough.

How long does the bankruptcy process take in California?

The duration of the bankruptcy process can vary depending on the chapter you file under and the complexity of your case. In general, Chapter 7 cases tend to be quicker than Chapter 13 cases. A typical Chapter 7 case can take about four to six months, while a Chapter 13 case can last three to five years due to the repayment plan involved.

Can I file for bankruptcy without a lawyer?

While it’s possible to file for bankruptcy without a lawyer (pro se), it’s generally not recommended. Bankruptcy laws and procedures can be complex, and mistakes can be costly. A bankruptcy attorney can guide you through the process, protect your rights, and increase your chances of a successful outcome.

What happens to my credit score after bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy will negatively impact your credit score. However, the impact is temporary. With responsible financial management after bankruptcy, you can rebuild your credit over time. It’s important to note that bankruptcy can be a better alternative to prolonged financial distress, which can also severely damage your credit.

Can I keep my house and car if I file for bankruptcy?

California has generous bankruptcy exemptions that allow you to protect a significant amount of personal property, including your home, car, and retirement savings. However, the specific exemptions you can claim will depend on whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 and whether you choose to use state or federal exemptions.

Can I get rid of all my debts through bankruptcy?

Not all debts can be discharged through bankruptcy. Certain types of debts, such as child support, alimony, student loans (in most cases), and recent tax debts, are typically not dischargeable.

What are the benefits of filing for bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy can provide several benefits, including:

  • Stopping creditor harassment and collection actions (such as wage garnishment or foreclosure) through the automatic stay.
  • Discharging most unsecured debts, allowing you to start fresh financially.
  • Reorganizing your debts into a more manageable repayment plan.
  • Protecting your assets from liquidation (in Chapter 13).
  • Improving your financial well-being and reducing stress related to debt.


The bankruptcy court judge explained the difference between federal and California exemptions during the debtor education course.


Remember, while the costs of filing for bankruptcy in California might seem significant, they are an investment in your financial future. By eliminating or restructuring your debts, you can achieve a fresh start and regain control of your financial life. It’s essential to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options and determine the best path forward.


Related Content: How Fast Does Bankruptcy Work?
