Bankruptcy Lawyers Who Take Payments in California: Affordable Options for Chapters 7 & 13

You’re not alone if you’re struggling with financial difficulties and need bankruptcy lawyers who take payments. Many Kostopoulos bankruptcy law firms offer payment plans that spread out legal fees, making it possible to start the bankruptcy process without hefty upfront costs. In this article, we’ll explain how these plans work, discuss the types of bankruptcy options, and provide tips on finding the right lawyer for your needs.

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What Happens After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Discharge in California?

After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Discharge in California:

  • Most debts are wiped out.
  • Creditors can’t collect on discharged debts.
  • Some debts (taxes, child support, etc.) may not be discharged.

Remember: Understand your non-dischargeable debts and the potential credit impact.

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Can Chapter 13 Stop Foreclosure? Exploring Your Bankruptcy Lifeline

Yes, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can Stop Foreclosure in California:

  • Automatic Stay: Filing for Chapter 13 immediately stops foreclosure.
  • Repayment Plan: You can propose a plan to catch up on missed payments over 3-5 years.
  • Keep Your Home: As long as you follow your plan, your lender cannot foreclose.


  • Regular income required for Chapter 13 eligibility.
  • Consult a bankruptcy attorney for guidance.

Foreclosure can be a devastating reality for homeowners struggling with financial hardships. If you’re facing the looming threat of losing your home, you might wonder, “Can Chapter 13 stop foreclosure?” This blog post explores that question, shedding light on how Chapter 13 bankruptcy can serve as a crucial lifeline. By restructuring your debt and creating a manageable payment plan, Chapter 13 offers a way to save your home from foreclosure.

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What to Expect After Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in California

After filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy in California, you can expect immediate relief from creditors and a process that typically takes 3-4 months. Here’s what happens:

  1. Automatic Stay: Creditors must stop all collection actions.
  2. Meeting of Creditors: Attend a hearing to answer questions under oath.
  3. Asset Review: A trustee assesses your assets; non-exempt property may be sold.
  4. Debt Discharge: Most unsecured debts are eliminated.
  5. Financial Education: Complete mandatory credit counseling and financial management courses.

Important Considerations:

  • Chapter 7 stays on your credit report for 10 years.
  • Not all debts are dischargeable.
  • Consult a bankruptcy attorney for personalized guidance.

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be a daunting decision, but understanding the process can help ease the stress and uncertainty. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as liquidation bankruptcy, allows individuals to discharge most of their debts and get a fresh financial start.

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Can Personal Loans Be Included in Bankruptcy in California?

Yes, personal loans can be included in bankruptcy in California, and they are usually dischargeable. This includes personal loans from banks, credit unions, friends, family, or employers. Unsecured personal loans, which are loans not backed by collateral, are eligible for discharge in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies.

Filing bankruptcy in California involves understanding the types of debt dischargeable, assets and exemptions, eligibility criteria, credit impact, costs, legal procedures, and the role of a bankruptcy lawyer in guiding individuals through the process.

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What Are the Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing for Bankruptcy in California?

When declaring bankruptcy in California, the margin for error is slim, and mistakes can derail your financial reset. Understanding and avoiding common ‘bankruptcy mistakes’ can mean the difference between relief and regret. Our guide maps out these pitfalls, offering you actionable steps to confidently maneuver through the process ahead.

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The Value of Restructuring Support Agreements in Chapter 11 Cases

If you’re delving into the complexities of Chapter 11 bankruptcy, understanding what is a Restructuring Support Agreement (RSA) is crucial. An RSA serves as a binding contract that orchestrates the relationship between a debtor, their creditors, and stakeholders during a reorganization under bankruptcy laws. Designed to streamline the Chapter 11 process, RSAs aim to curb costs, reduce time frames, and minimize legal conflicts. This article will explore the pivotal role these agreements play in business reorganizations, providing insight into their structure, benefits, and potential risks, without overwhelming you with legal jargon.

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What Are the Cons of Debt Settlement Instead of Bankruptcy in California?

Debt settlement in California can be less damaging to your credit score than bankruptcy and offers more privacy, but it’s a lengthy process with no guaranteed results and potential tax implications on forgiven debt.

In the maze of California debt relief options, settlement stands out. Are you exploring California debt settlement? Understand the process, compare it to bankruptcy, and evaluate its suitability for your financial scenario. With no fluff, this article lays out the critical facts and strategies for Californians facing debt, focusing on realistic outcomes and legal considerations. Before making a decision, gain insight into the balance of potential benefits and setbacks waiting on the path ahead.

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How Can I Protect My Assets When Filing for Bankruptcy in California?

In California, you can protect your assets when filing for bankruptcy by utilizing the state’s generous exemption systems (System 1 and System 2) to shield specific assets like your home equity, car, and retirement accounts.

Protecting your property in bankruptcy can be daunting. Whether it’s your home, vehicle, or personal savings, understanding how to use bankruptcy asset protection effectively is crucial. This article demystifies California’s asset protection during bankruptcy, guiding you through legal exemptions and strategies to help secure your possessions under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filings.

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Can Bankruptcy Help Eliminate Medical Bills in California?

Yes, both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy in California can potentially eliminate medical bills, providing relief from overwhelming medical debt.

Are you confronted with medical bill collections in California? Understanding your options is critical. This article lays out your rights within California’s collection laws, examines how bankruptcy might offer relief, and suggests measures to manage medical debt before it escalates. With an overview of both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy solutions, you’ll gain crucial insights to help you make informed decisions about your financial future without succumbing to the pressures of medical bill collections.

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