Can Chapter 13 Stop Foreclosure? Exploring Your Bankruptcy Lifeline

Yes, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can Stop Foreclosure in California:

  • Automatic Stay: Filing for Chapter 13 immediately stops foreclosure.
  • Repayment Plan: You can propose a plan to catch up on missed payments over 3-5 years.
  • Keep Your Home: As long as you follow your plan, your lender cannot foreclose.


  • Regular income required for Chapter 13 eligibility.
  • Consult a bankruptcy attorney for guidance.

Foreclosure can be a devastating reality for homeowners struggling with financial hardships. If you’re facing the looming threat of losing your home, you might wonder, “Can Chapter 13 stop foreclosure?” This blog post explores that question, shedding light on how Chapter 13 bankruptcy can serve as a crucial lifeline. By restructuring your debt and creating a manageable payment plan, Chapter 13 offers a way to save your home from foreclosure.

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