What Happens If You Cosign a Loan and the Other Person Doesn’t Pay?

Your Rights, Options, and Legal Help in California

Worried about co-signing a loan? Discover what happens if the borrower defaults, your legal rights in California, and how a bankruptcy attorney can help.

Your friend asked you to co-sign their auto loan, and now they’re behind on payments. Panic sets in. You helped them get the car they needed, but now you’re on the hook for the debt. If the borrower doesn’t pay, you might even be contacted by a debt collector. What happens if you co-sign a loan and the other person doesn’t pay? Understanding the legal consequences of co-signing is crucial.

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How To Stop Wage Garnishment in California

Facing wage garnishment in California can feel overwhelming and isolating, but it doesn’t have to be an insurmountable challenge. At Kostopoulos Bankruptcy Law, located in Riverside and Oakland, CA, we specialize in helping individuals regain control over their financial situations.

This guide offers a comprehensive overview of how to stop wage garnishment in California, ensuring you possess the necessary knowledge and resources to protect your income and meet your essential needs.

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